
Approved the enlargement of schedule of terraces of bars and restaurants in the Prat

Aprobada la ampliación de horario de terrazas de bares y restaurantes en el Prat

Until midnight among week in season estival and until the eleven the rest of the year.
The City council of the Prat has approved in session plenaria the enlargement of the schedule of the terraces and veladores of the city until the midnight in season estival and until the eleven the rest of the year.

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Until midnight among week in season estival and until the eleven the rest of the year.

The City council of the Prat has approved in session plenaria the enlargement of the schedule of the terraces and veladores of the city until the midnight in season estival and until the eleven the rest of the year.

The modification of the Ordenanza municipal for the use of the public road foresees, in season of summer, expand in an hour the closing of the terraces and veladores of Sunday to Thursday, that is to say, until the 12 h, and until the 12.30 h the nights of Friday and Saturday. The considered season of summer goes of 15 April to 15 October. 

In what the rest of the year, the schedule expands until the 11 of the night every day of the week, two hours more than the foreseen the current normative.

These changes are subject to punctual modifications in case that it do not guarantee the rest vecinal.

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