
Help to the autonomous for the set of his activity

Ayuda a los autónomos para la puesta en marcha de su actividad

From our office will make him the plans, technical project, documentation  and formalities of the opening of his establishment in addition to helping him to make a plan of company for his validation by the Service of Creation of Companies of the Centre of Economic Promotion of The Prat necessary to receive to this help.
Of this form the opening formalities  will exit him more economic .

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The City council of the Prat of Llobregat will help to the people emprendedoras in the set of his activity. The help consists in the payment of a help of €250 monthly during 6 months, equivalent to the monthly quota of the Special Regime of Autonomous Workers.

From our office will make him the plans, technical project, documentation  and formalities of the opening of his establishment in addition to helping him to make a plan of company for his validation by the Service of Creation of Companies of the Centre of Economic Promotion of The Prat necessary to receive to this help.

To the equal that will transact him the exception of taxes of payment of the licence in the City council.

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