
Elimination of the REIC in industrial establishments

Eliminación del REIC en establecimientos industriales

The industrial establishments that were obliged to inscribe to the REIC to carry his activity, leave to have this obligation from now.

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The industrial establishments that were obliged to inscribe to the REIC to carry his activity, leave to have this obligation from now.

This change has regulated with the Law 11/2011, of 29 December, of restructuring of the public sector to speed up the administrative activity, that in the derogatory disposal second has derogated the Decree 324/1996, of 1 October, whereby approved the regulation of the Register of Industrial Establishments of Catalonia.

Grave accidents
The industrial installations where can produce grave accidents in that they take part dangerous substances, find subjected to an administrative control that has by object the prevention of these accidents as well as the limitation of his consequences with the end to protect the people, the sakes and the environment.

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