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Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May.


Conditions for the reopening of terraces of the establishments of hospitality industry and restoration

1.- It limits to the fifty percent of the tables allowed in the immediately anterior year in base to the corresponding municipal licence. It will have to ensure that it maintains the owed physical distance of at least two metres among the tables or, in his case, groupings of tables. 
2.- In the case that the establishment that have obtained the permission of the City council to increase the destined surface to the terrace, will be able to increase the number of tables foreseen in the anterior section, respecting, anyway, the proportion of the fifty percent among tables and available surface and carry a proportional increase of the space peatonal in the same tract of the public road in which it situate the terrace.
3.- They authorise the meetings in the terraces of the establishments of until a maximum of ten people by table or grouping of tables. The table or grouping of tables that use for this end, will have to be chords to the number of people, allowing that they respect the minimum distance of interpersonal security.
Measures of hygiene and/or prevention

 1.-  Cleansing and disinfection of the equipment of the terrace, in particular tables, chairs, as well as any another surface of contact, among a client and another.
 2.- It will prioritise the utilisation of mantelerías of an alone use. In the case that this was not possible, has to avert the use of the same mantelería or salvamanteles with distinct clients, opting by materials and solutions that facilitate his change among services and his mechanical wash in cycles of wash among 60 and 90 degrees centígrados.
3.-  Will have to put to disposal of the public dispensers of geles hidroalcohólicos or desinfectantes with activity virucida authorised and registered by the Ministry of Health, anyway in the entrance of the establishment or local, that will have to be always in instructions for use.
4.-  It will avert the use of cards of common use, opting by the use of own electronic devices, blackboards, posters or other similar means.
 5.-  The auxiliary elements of the service, like the tableware, glassware, cutlery or mantelería, among others, will store in enclosed enclosures and, if this was not possible, far of zones in passing of clients and workers. They will delete products of autoservicio like servilleteros, palilleros, vinagreras, oilers, and other similar utensils, prioritising monodosis desechables or his service in other formats under request of the client.
6.-  The use of the aseos  by clients, visitors or users, his maximum occupation will be of a person, save in those suppositions of people that can require assistance, in whose case also will allow the utilisation by his companion. It will have to proceed to the cleansing and disinfection of the referred aseos, like minimum, six times to the day.
7.- It will boost the payment with card or other means that do not suppose physical contact among devices, averting, in the measure of the possible, the use of money in cash. It will clean and it will disinfect the datáfono after each use, as well as the TPV if the employee that uses it is not always the same.
8.-Will have to have of papeleras, to be possible with cover and pedal, in which can deposit handkerchieves and any another material desechable. Said papeleras will have to be cleaned of frequent form, and at least once a day.
Measures of hygiene and/or of prevention for the hard-working personnel. 

It will be to the had in the the Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May, for the flexibilización of determinate restrictions of national field, established after the statement of the state of alarm in application of the phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.
Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May

Condicions per To the reobertura of terrasses dels establiments d'hostaleria i restauració

1.- It is limit to the cinquanta per cent of them terrasses autoritzades l'any immediatament anterior in base to the corresponent llicència municipal. S'haurà d'assegurar That it is mantingui the deguda physical distance of to the menys two metres among them taules or, in the seu cas, agrupacions of taules.
2.- In the cas that l'establiment that hagi obtingut the permís of l'Ajuntament per to increase the superfície destined to the terrassa, is podrà increase the number of taules previst in l'apartat anterior, respectant, in tot cas, the proporció of the cinquanta per cent among taules i superfície available i in the mateix increment proportional of l'espai of vianants in the mateix tram of the via public in that s'situates the terrassa.
3.- S'autoritzen Them reunions in them terrasses dels establiment of fins a màxim of deu persones per taula or agrupació of taules. The taula or agrupació of taules that s'utilitzin per aquesta finalitat, hauran d'anar in concordança to the number of persones, that hauran of permetre that is respectin the minimum distance of seguretat interpersonal.

Mesures d'Hygiene i/or prevenció

 1.-  Neteja i desinfecció Of l'equipament of the terrassa, in particular, taules, cadires, així com qualsevol altra superfície of contact, among a client i altre.
 2.-  It is prioritzarà the utilització d'estovalles  d'a sun ús. In the cas of què no fos possible, s'haurà d'avert l'ús of them mateixes estovalles   amb els diferents clients, optant per materials i solucions that facilitin the seu canvi among serveis i the seu rentat mecànic in cicles of rentat among 60 i 90 graus centígrads.
3.- S'haurà To pose to disposició of the púbic dispensadors of gels hidrolacòlits or desinfectants amb activitat virucida autoritzada i registered pel Ministeri of Sanitat, in tot cas to l'gone in of l'establiment or local, that haurà of trobar- sempre in condicions d'ús.
4.-  S'evitarà l'ús Of cartes d'ús comú, optant per l'ús of dispositius electrònics propis, pissarres, cartells or altres mitjans similars.
 5.-  Els elements auxiliars Of the servei, com the vaixella, cristalleria, coberteria or estovalles, among altres, s'emmagatzemaran  in recintes tancats i, if això no és possible, llum of zone of pas of clients i treballadors. S'Deleted productes d'autoservei com tovallons,  carries escuradents, vinagretes, setrills, i altres utensilis similars, prioritzen cute dose d'a sun ús or the seu servei in altres formats demanats pels clients.
6.- L'ús dels basins per client, visitant or usuari, the seva ocupació màxima serà d'a person, exceptuant els supòsits of persones that puguin necessitar assistència, in aquest cas també is permetrà the utilització pel seu acompanyant. S'haurà Of procedir to the neteja i desinfecció dels referits basins, com to mínim, sis vegades to the dia.
7.-  It is fomentarà the pagament amb targeta or altre mitjà that no suposi contact físic among dispositius, evitant, sempre that sigui possible, l'ús of diners in efectiu. It is netejarà i desinfectarà the datàfon després of each ús, així com the TPV if l'empleat that l'utilitza no sempre és the mateix.
8.- S'haurà Of disposar of papereres, if és possible amb covers i pedal, in which it is podrà llençar mocadors i altre material d'a sun ús. Aquestes papereres hauran To be netejades of form freqüent, i to the menys a vegada to the dia.
Mesures d'Hygiene i/or prevenció per to the personnel treballador.

S'estarà To l'establert in the Order SND/399/2020, of 9 May, for the flexibilización of determinate restrictions of national field, established after the statement of the state of alarm in application of the phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality. 

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