
OMEGA-3 achieves the accreditation for eleborar plans of autoprotección

OMEGA-3 consigue la acreditación para eleborar planes de autoprotección

Our technical Mª Carmen Gómez has achieved the accreditation like competent technician for the preparation of plans of autoprotección in the field of Local  Civil defence and Protection of Catalonia in the sector 6 for establishments of public concurrence, administrative use, sanitary, educational and others according to the Decret 82/2010,of 29 of juny. 

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The autoprotección is the set of measures (procedures, systems and organisation) implanted in a determinate field (edifices, installations, cores inhabited, solar, activities, centres, etc) exposed to one or in several situations of risk, allocated to foresee, warn and control the risk, give suitable response to the emergencies and guarantee the integration of these performances to the ones of the public system.

The Decree 82/2010, of 29 June, whereby approves the catalogue of activities and centres obliged to adopt measures of autoprotección and fixes the content of these measures is an executive regulation or of development of the Law 4/97 of civil defence of Catalonia.

More specifically, it gives response to the articles 7 and 20, that establish:

The need that the Government regulate a catalogue with the activities of risk from the point of view of civil defence.
The obligation that the Government determine the structure of the Plans of Autoprotección (PAU) of the included activities to the catalogue.
The obligation that the headlines of the centres, establishments and dependencies included to the catalogue establish measured of autoprotección.

On the other hand, this regulation has elaborated take the exclusive competition of the Generalitat in matter of civil defence, competition recognised to the article 132.1 of the Statute of autonomy of Catalonia.

The aim of the decree is to regulate the destined performances to ensure the application of measures of autoprotección in the companies and, in general, the entities and the organisms that do activities that can generate situations of grave collective risk, of catastrophe or of public calamity, and also the centres and the installations and his dependencies, publics and private, that can result affected of way especially grave by situations of this character.

The decree affects, therefore, the susceptible activities to generate an emergency of civil defence;and it classifies these activities in two basic groups, that ordered of elder to minor risk, are the following:

The “activities of interest for the civil defence of Catalonia” (Anejo *IA). They are examples of this type of activities, among others: the establishments affected by the normative *Seveso on grave accidents; the airports; the pipes that transport dangerous substances and the campings with equal or upper capacity to 2.000 people. Like appearance to stand out, are included inside this group, all those installations that can generate emergencies or critical situations for the population, associated to the failure of the systems of supply of basic services.

The “activities of interest for the municipal civil defence” (Anejo *IC). They are examples of this type of activities, among others: the theatres, auditoriums, rooms of congresses or cinemas, educational establishments with a minor occupation of 2000 people and upper to 500 people; the guarderias and ludotecas, the aerodromes and heliports; and the no included campings in the sections To and B of the annex And, that are situated in the zones of risk defined to the plans of civil defence of the Generalitat.

Complementariamente, the decree contemplates all a series of criteria, detailed to the annex *IB, that allow that the administration of the Generalitat, through a resolution of the competent general Direction in matter of Civil defence, can declare like installation of interest by the civil defence of Catalonia, a determinate installation no included explicitly to the annex *IA but that present special risk or vulnerability.

The decree bases in a concept of autoprotección that goes further of the preparation of a plan of autoprotección, understanding that PAU is a key and fundamental piece but no the only to take to guarantee the security in an installation and in his surroundings.

The autoprotección engloba: a previous phase, the aim of which has to be check that the establishment fulfils with the minimum conditions of autoprotección and a back phase, the result of which is the preparation of PAU, understood like a tool of quality through which guarantees a response adapted in case of emergency and an effective coordination with the services of emergency and with the public system of civil defence.

In definite, the decree:

  • It determines the catalogue of activities of risk, from the point of view of the civil defence, and that therefore, have obligation of autoprotección.
  • It establishes the minimum content of PAU of the included activities to the catalogue. The decree establishes two types of index in function of the level of risk of the activities and creates the conditions so that PAU are documents of quality, by means of the regulation of the figure of the competent technician by the preparation of PAU of this type of activities.
  • It establishes the procedure to value technically the conditions of autoprotección of the establishment or centre. The conditions of autoprotección go further of the preparation of PAU, and have to take appearances as for example the *evacuabilitat and the confinement, especially in the case of installations situated in zones of risk of the special plans of the Generalitat.
  • It ensures the maintenance of the conditions and systems of autoprotección, through a periodic control by the competent administration, that serve to detect those situations in which it does not do the necessary maintenance to guarantee that the systems of autoprotección maintain fully operative.
  • It regulates the organisational mechanisms and the means of which have to have the included activities inside the field of application of the decree, to ensure the detection and fast response, indispensable to avert effects of big intensity or impact in the population.
  • It establishes the systems of coordination among the included activities to the field of application of the decree and the public services that form part of the system of civil defence. In this sense, the decree regulates the calls that have to do the installations to the services of emergencies, the information that have to facilitate them and the integration of PAU in the plans of civil defence elaborated by the competent administrations.
  • It establishes the systems of control by the competent administrations regarding the validation of PAU, to his register and to his correct implantation.

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