
OMEGA-3 takes part in the new tent of the byline THOMAS SABO in the CC Diagonal Ours

OMEGA-3 participa en la nueva tienda de la firma THOMAS SABO en el CC Diagonal Mar

Mar. ingenieria has taken part in the projects of execution for the byline THOMAS SABO of his new tent in CC Diagonal Sea of Barcelona.

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Jointly with the German company STADLER ours ingenieria has made the projects of works and installations for the new tent that inagurará the proximo 10 December.
The work began on 4 November with the works of desmontaje of the tent and in five weeks has executed for his inaguración.
Thomas Sabo is a byline of joyeria, relojeria, complementos and perfumeria.

Main façade tent
Lateral façade tent
Finalizacion Work
Home of works
Inner tent
Inner tent
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