
Reopening of activities 4 May

Reapertura de actividades 4 de mayo

RETAIL trade.

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Conditions in which they have to develop the activities of hospitality industry and restoration
Article 5. Activities of hospitality industry and restoration.
1. The activities of hospitality industry and restoration will be able to make by means of services of delivery to domicile and by means of the collected of requests by the clients in the
Corresponding establishments, remaining forbidden the consumption in the interior of the establishments.
2. In the services of delivery to domicile will be able to establish a system of preferential distribution for main people of 65 years, dependent people or other more vulnerable communities to the infection by COVID-19.
3. In the services of collected in the establishment, the client will have to make the request by telephone or on line and the establishment will fix a schedule of collected of the same, averting agglomerations in the inmediaciones of the establishment.
Likewise, the establishment will have to have a space enabled and signposted for the collected of the requests where will make the exchange and payment. Anyway, it will have to guarantee the owed physical separation established in this chapter or, when this was not possible, with the installation of counters or mamparas.
4. Nevertheless the foreseen in the anterior section, in those establishments that have of points of application and collected of requests for vehicles, the client will be able to make the requests from his vehicle in the own establishment and proceed to his back collected.
5. The establishments only will be able to remain open to the public during the schedule of collected of requests.
Article 6. Measures of prevention of risks for the personnel that loan services of the establishments of hospitality industry and restoration.
1. They will not be able to incorporate to his places of work in the commercial establishments the following workers:
To) Hard-working that in the moment of the reopening of the commercial establishment are in domiciliary isolation for having diagnostic of COVID-19 or have any of the compatible symptoms with the COVID-19.
b) Hard-working that, not having symptoms, find in period of domiciliary quarantine for having had contact with some person with symptoms or diagnosed of COVID-19.
2. The headline of the economic activity that make in the establishment or venue will have to fulfil, anyway, with the obligations of prevention of risks established in the valid legislation, already was with general character and of specific way to warn the contagion of the COVID19.
In this sense, will ensure that all the workers have squads of individual protection adapted to the level of risk, composed at least by masks, and that have permanently to his disposal in the place of work geles hidroalcohólicos with activity virucida authorised and registered by the Ministry of Health and/or soaps for the cleansing of hands.
Article 7. Measures in matter hygiene for the clients and capacity for the establishments of hospitality industry and restoration.
1. The headline of the activity of hospitality industry and restoration that develop in the establishment will have to put, anyway, to disposal of the clients:
To) To the entrance of the establishment: geles hidroalcohólicos with activity virucida authorised and registered by the Ministry of Health, that will have to be always in instructions for use.
b) To the start of the establishment: papeleras with covers of accionamiento no manual, endowed with a stock exchange of rubbish.
2. The time of permanence in the establishments in which it carry the collected of requests will be the strictly necessary so that the clients can make the collected of the same.
3. In the establishments in which it was possible the personalised attention of more than a client at the same time will have to signal of clear form the distance of interpersonal security of two metres among clients, with marks in the soil, or by means of the use of buoys, signage and signage. Anyway, the attention to the clients will not be able to make of simultaneous way to several clients by the same worker.
4. In case that it can not attend individually to more than a client at the same time in the planned conditions in the anterior section, the access to the establishment will make of individual way, not to allowing the permanence in the same of more than a client, except those cases in which it treat of an adult accompanied by a person with disability, minor or main.

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