
They go back the reforms in empty houses

Vuelven las reformas en viviendas vacías

From 4 May already it can go back to make works and reforms in the houses, although still with restrictions, this yes. For now, can go in to work in houses or venues without inhabitants, as well as in other zones delimited of the no inhabited edifice that they fulfil with some condicion.

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1) That limit  the circulation of workers and materials by common zones no sectorizadas during the day to avert contacts with the neighbours of the real estate.

2) That the access and start of these venues, houses or zones only produce to the home and the ending of the working time.

3) That the workers adopt the measures of prevention and hygiene in front of the COVID-19 indicated by the sanitary authorities.

Like exepción, only will be able to access to zones no sectorizadas of the edifice for the realisation of punctual actions of connection with the nets of services of the real estate that are necessary to tackle the works.

All this comes in the last BOE-To-2020-4790.

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